Advertiser Opportunities for the Theatre Resources Directory

Listing Enhancements:

Getting listed in the Stage Directions Theatre Resources Directory is great—but there’s so much more you can be doing to ensure your company gets maximum exposure.

Expanded Listings

Want to give people more ways to reach you than just your website and street address? Our expanded listings let you tell everyone exactly how to reach you, with phone numbers, emails, contact names, social media addresses and a 150-word description of your company, so people get exactly the message you want.

Highlighted Listings

This gets you everything in the Expanded Listing, plus we bump your company to the top of a search results page in a highlighted space above the other listings in the specified category. You’ll never lose someone to scroll fatigue again!

Featured Listings

Get your company name on the home page. A Feature Listing puts a link to your listing in the Category Section on the home page.

Graphic Ad Opportunities

Want to do more than just work with your listing? Make sure viewers see your message loud and clear with graphic Banner and Box ads.

Box Graphic Ads

These box ads alongside the right side of the site give you a bold and quick way to attract the attention of all visitors. Choose from having your Box Graphic ad on the home page only, or also within specific sections. You’ll also get a Highlighted Listing with this ad.

Category Sponsorship

When people search your product, make sure they think of you! Category Sponsorship puts your logo on the home page of the Theatre Resources Directory, right next to the category section of your choice. In addition to your logo on the home page, you will have EXCLUSIVE placement of a huge 728x90 banner ad throughout the category, and all listings in that category. Of course, you also get all the benefits of a highlighted listing as well to really maximize your impact. This is the only way to get a horizontal banner ad in your section—make sure your customer sees you.

Website Sponsorship

You’ll be the exclusive banner ad on the home page of the Theatre Resources Directory. Your 728x90 banner will be the leading ad element on the TRD homepage, and it will be the ONLY ad people see on our homepage. Additionally, you will get one Category Sponsorship and all your listings will be highlighted across the entire site.